Navigating Geostrategic Challenges: A Comprehensive Analysis of NATO’s Evolving Landscape

The EESC presents an analytical study that overviews the priorities, vision implementation, and policy changes enacted during the NATO Summit in Vilnius in 2023. This comprehensive study by renowned experts in the field, delves into a wide array of topics, addressing both the rising strategic challenges to the security of NATO allies and the ongoing brutal Russian war against Ukraine. Topics covered in the study include:
- Europe’s Contribution to NATO’s New Defense, by Henrik Larsen
- Technological Changes in the War in Ukraine: Lessons for NATO Allies, by Ulrike Franke
- The Unchanging Core: Examining Russian Military Culture through the Lens of the Ukrainian War, by Joris Van Bladel
- From Ukraine to North Africa: Similarities and Differences in Threats to NATO’s Eastern and Southern Flank, by Luis Simón and Félix Arteaga
- Energy Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection, by Jutta Lauf, Reiner Zimmermann and Wsewolod Rusow
- Ukraine’s NATO Membership Quest: Is the Window of Opportunity Closing?, by Margarita Šešelgytė
- Assessing the Decisions of the Vilnius Summit: An American Perspective , by Daniel P. Fata
- Shifting NATO’s Military Power Center toward Central and Northern Europe: Poland’s Political and Military Goals, by Justyna Gotkowska
The publication can be found in English HERE.